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healthy relationships.

Here at urban heard we are passionate about young people understanding the difference between a healthy and unhealthy relationships. These don't necessarily need to be just between romantic relationships but also with friends and family too.


Domestic abuse has only relatively recently been a criminal offence if you are 16 years and above, however, we know and have worked with young people younger than that who are being exploited, bullied and abused by what they genuinely believe is a loving relationship.


Control and lack of trust is so easy now with social media and smart devises tracking your every move that even relationships that aren't abusive still have an unhealthy obsession with knowing exactly what the other person is doing at all times as if that person doesn't message back within the allocated time of 30 seconds or hell will break loose! 

what we do...

we provide interactive & creative workshops to any youth setting interested.

In these workshops we cover the following topics:


  • Signs of a healthy/ unhealthy relationship

  • What is control?

  • What is abuse?

  • Sexual exploitation -how to spot the signs.


These topics are all supported with activities such as case studies, videos and group work. At the end of the workshop we ask the group to put into practice what they have learnt by creating a resource to raise awareness. These are normally dramas, freeze frames, story boards, poems, raps or text conversations. We will then share (anonymously) any written work on social media to spread the message and raise awareness.  

what should you do?

If you work at a school, college or youth group then get in touch if you would like us to deliver a workshop on

0121 6798575 or on


If you are are young person and worried about yourself or someone you know then here are some useful links for you:



  • If you live in Birmingham the Early Help Support Team can offer support on completing an Early Help Assessment, they can be contacted on 0121 303 1888 or email

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