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Change Theory

Urban Heard uses Self-Efficacy Theory as a foundation of what we strive to achieve. A young person’s perceived self-efficacy will have a determining factor on their confidence in their skill, ability and drive.

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Youth Engagement Specialists


We believe significant change needs to come from within: within peoples mindsets and within peer groups. This programme uses the power of positive peer-pressure by equipping young people to create and deliver behaviour change marketing in their communities and online. This programme can fit any topic, in any area and with any young people.

Youth Centred

1. Young people are our purpose. Making sure they have food, safe homes and someone looking our for them.


2. Paid employment, skill development & education. As well as being there when needed.


3. Make young people feel like part of the family, ensure complete trust is created through never letting them down. Always listen.


4. Give young people a voice, help them to make changes.

Role Models:

5. Peer support & role model to others. Share achievements and offer new opportunities to lead



At Urban Heard we believe in the growth mindset and getting young people to believe that they are in complete control of their future. This is how we hope to break cycles of deprivation within families and hopefully the whole community.

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