Urban Heard is really excited to offer Young People aged 11-16yrs, who are eligible for free school meals, a week of Easter Treats!

Sign up or register interest!
Only 30 funded places available for the trips so sign up now.
Frequently Asked Questions...
What measures are you putting in place to protect against COVID?
Safety of all our staff and young people in our care is of the utmost importance to us.. We are following all the government guidance as well as the National Youth Agency guidance. This includes put is not limited to:
Increased hygiene for all: hand washing, sanitiser
Assigned bubbles as much as we can
Different entrance & exit
Social distancing when appropriate
Fully COVID risk assessed
Do you have to book?
It is easier for us to plan if we know how many people are expected but it is possible to turn up on the day. However, we only have room for up to 30 people so if we have reached this we may have to turn you away.
Do they have to stay for the whole time?
We understand that some of the older children may not want to stay for the whole 7 hour session. As long as there is permission from the parent/guardian we will allow young people to leave when they want. However, unless permission is granted or under 14 years old, we will ensure that the young person stays in the centre until picked up by a designated adult.
Can everyone get a free lunch & dinner?
Every child that walks through our door will be entitled to a free light lunch (Sandwich, fruit & crisps) and a cooked dinner which will be served at 4pm. Fruit and water will be available throughout the day for free. Young people are welcome to bring their own snacks or drinks bottles in too but these need to be labelled.
How can you do this for free?
We are receiving some funding from the Holiday Activity Fund from Solihull MBC to cover any young person who is entitled to a free school meal.
What do they need to bring?
We will provide food and equipment for the activities so they just need to come in appropriate clothing. They are welcome to bring snacks & drinks bottle if they want to.
If you have any further questions then please email accounts@urbanheard.co.uk